Monday, October 8, 2007

acceptance email

On behalf of the Program Committee, I am pleased to inform you that your organized session proposal, "Attention to Cues and Phonological Categorization” has been accepted for presentation at the 2008 LSA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, to be held 3-6 January. All sessions will be held at the Palmer House Hilton. Your session will be held on Friday, 4 January, from 9:00 AM to 12:00.

To facilitate accuracy in producing the handbook, please send the Secretariat one long abstract describing the session as a whole (500 words or less) and short abstracts (100 words or less) for each participant's presentation. (Even though you may have included the final description with your previous abstract submission, please resend as a Word or simple text file; no pdf files please.) Send these via email ( by 15 October 2007. The abstracts and session description must have the following additional information:

• name and affiliation of authors in the order they are to appear in the program
• title of each paper
• If any presenter is also presenting an ADS, ANS, NAAHoLS, or SSILA paper, please notify us of the day/time/title of the session in which they will present that paper.
• abstract (NOTE: If your abstract uses any special fonts, you must also send a pdf of the abstract to the Secretariat as special fonts do not transmit accurately.)
• your final equipment request, if you need something other than an LCD projector.

Authors are encouraged to provide handouts for their papers. Please bring at least 100 copies of your handout for distribution. All rooms will be equipped with a microphone, screen, and LCD projector. You must bring your own laptop and connector. VGA cables will be provided, but you are responsible for connecting to the VGA cable. We urge you to check compatibility between your laptop and the LCD projector before sessions begin (between 8:00 and 9:00 AM, and between 12:00 and 2:00 PM).

If we do not receive the session participants' meeting pre-registration form and fees by 15 November, your session will be withdrawn from the program.

You may pre-register for the meeting at Information about the Hilton and directions for reserving a room on-line are available at Please note that the deadline for pre-registering and making hotel reservations is 17 December 2007. At the end of October, more detailed information about the meeting will be available on the LSA web site:

We look forward to seeing you in January.


Felix Oliver
Executive Director
Linguistic Society of America
(202) 835-1714

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